Archive | July, 2010

A Copyright Story

5 Jul

The issue of copyrighting in the arts (I’m specifically referencing music for this story, but all the arts in general) is frequently COMPLETELY overlooked by many people – students, teachers, and performers alike. Composers, however, usually have interesting, and sometimes terrifying and/or hilarious, insight on the matter. (And if anyone would like any commas, I seem to have a, few, extras.) A dear friend and terribly talented composer, John Mackey, self-publishes all of his music and has some really interesting things to say about it in this blog post. (The post is self-proclaimedly “mega-wonky”. Get excited.)

The story that I’d really like to share is one that involves one of my absolute favorite musical theatre composers, Jason Robert Brown. Before you read it, understand that things have since been somewhat resolved and you don’t have to kick anyone’s ass and there is no need for nasty e-mails. I only say that because this was my initial reaction: “ARE YOU FRIGGIN’ KIDDING ME WHO IS THAT STUPID JRB IS INCREDIBLE I WANT JUSTICE AND I WANT IT NOW YOU MORON.” You should, however, be mad enough to never, EVER steal from anyone ever. Here is the post — it’s long, but it’s totally worth it.

Love for Arrested Development

5 Jul

Welcome to my blog! Thus begins the love.

If you have never seen an episode of Arrested Development, you are SORELY missing out. In this incredibly witty family-oriented show, Jason Bateman, Michael Cera, Portia de Rossi, Will Arnett, David Cross, and the rest of the amazing cast are side-splittingly funny. I’ve seen the whole series, but summer was clearly the time to revisit the hilarity. I can’t really stop watching this show – and it can’t hurt that I’m hanging out at John and Abby’s place. And the TV is bigger than Rhode Island. And the couch is like a cloud. Of awesome.

There is talk of an Arrested Development movie. I don’t know if I believe it…