Tag Archives: food

Austin Bakes for Bastrop!

30 Sep

I know it’s been awhile, dear friends, but tomorrow is a GREAT day for baked goods and good causes! (That’s a whole lot of good.)

Saturday, October 1st
SEVEN different fantastic locations – check out the Facebook event or the Austin Bakes Blog to find the one closest to you!

Food bloggers, photographers, bakers, business owners, and volunteers are getting together tomorrow to raise money for the Central Texas Wildfire Fund. There are some seriously incredible creations to be sold – these people are gourmet. Seriously. I mean, we’re talking cookies shaped like guitars. Spiced pear cake with salted caramel sauce (WHAT?).  Cookies and brownies and cupcakes and cakes and cups and cupies and cookcakes and EVERYTHING. (See also: granola and jam. Who are these people??)

We did this once before, but it benefited the victims of the tsunami in Japan. At one of the locations, the volunteers spelled out “JAPAN”.

Do you think they’ll be able to spell out “BASTROP” this year??

Let’s hope so.


14 Jul

So my good friend Aren (you remember Aren, right?) brought to my attention that my last 2 blog posts were entitled “Addiction” and “Withdrawal“.


In contrast, I would like to present you with something too cute to handle. Pictured below you will find a magical creation that joins 2 of my favorite things: adorableness and sugar.


My dearly talented friends Aren and Beverly made these adorable koala suckers for our friend Jen’s baby shower. Yeah, you heard me – they MADE them. Who makes Koala suckers??

Answer: my awesome friends.


8 Jul

So I didn’t drink this, but my friend Chris let me snap a shot of his drink at Houndstooth.

I love when baristas do this.

It got me thinking – I remember when I hated the way coffee tasted. I also remember when I disliked beer.


I think.


28 Jun

So I had lunch today at one of my favorite places by campus: Streat. You HAVE to check out their menu – it’s got all kinds of amazing food from around the world that you might find sold on the street. This means that sometimes I have really strange meals there. For example, today was:



Sausage Kolache
(not pictured)

I forgot to take a picture of the kolache because I was so excited about eating it.

In other words, I traveled to India, the Czech Republic, and Spain. What did YOU do over lunch?