Tag Archives: theatre

Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

25 Oct

“I’m sorry. The better in me would have called out sooner,” the maid stammers, “but the bad in me…wanted to watch.”

This is an extremely poignant (and slightly sexy, no?) quote from the play “Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde” – an adaptation of the novel by Robert Louis Stevenson.  Six incredibly amazing actors, one spectacular director, and a bunch of other awesome people in the Department of Theatre and Dance are going to put on this deliciously dark play about contradictory impulses.

I had the incredible pleasure of checking out a couple of their rehearsals, in order to get some shots for a story for UT’s website.  I wasn’t sure everything was going to work out completely, but it did, and I feel SO honored to have my photos on the UT homepage!  You can see the full story (with more photos) here.

I apologize for the shameless promotion, but I’m really excited.

Also, thanks for reading my blog.

Also also, GO TO THIS PLAY. It opens October 28th. More info about tickets HERE.

Creepy, right?

I can’t wait.