He’s Baaa-aaach.

15 Oct

I decided it was time for a Bach photo shoot post. Here’s a little background:

One Christmas awhile ago, my cousin got me a Johann Sebastian Bach action figure. It was quite silly – we all laughed, took a couple of holiday pictures with him, I threw him in my purse, and we all went on our merry ways. But he stayed in my purse – usually tucked away in some pocket, where he could really focus and get some good writing done. Fast forward a couple of years to a trip out to LA to visit very dear friends of mine. Due to a summer gig at Disneyland, we have all spent a LOT of time at the park, so we decided to take pictures of Bach instead of waiting in millions of lines for millions of hours. Then we took pictures of him on the beach, and eating sushi (he LOVES sushi) and it kind of exploded. JSB decided to get on facebook (that little social media guru) and it’s gotten slightly out of hand. (He’d love to be your friend – check him out at www.facebook.com/bachtothefuture.) Bach drinks a lot, and he does love sushi. He’s also a huge fan of John Mackey’s cat, Loki, but that’s a relationship I’d really rather not talk about.

Fast forward to my love for REVEL – a classical band here in Austin, TX made up of two of the most amazing musicians I’ve ever met. Carla wanted to do some posters for their upcoming concert, so Bach graciously agreed to a photo shoot. Incidentally, I had since acquired a new member of our family – Ludwig van Beethoven. He’s a good sport as well, so he joined the photo shoot party. And here is what ensued.

There is such joy in a baby swing.


Bach gets a little overzealous when it comes to the slide.

I was completely unaware of Beethoven's mad breakdancing skillz.

Bach and Beethoven: The Philosophy Sessions

I'll be completely honest with you - there was magic in the air.

Hoodlums, I tell you. Hoodlums.

In short, fun was had by all. And I think we made some pretty successful posters for the REVEL concert.

Bach has been really busy lately, so he hasn’t been out as much, drinking and partying with his peeps. But hopefully soon there will be more frivolity. And just remember – if it ain’t baroque, don’t fix it.

One Response to “He’s Baaa-aaach.”

  1. Jessie October 28, 2010 at 12:31 am #

    This pictures are fantastic Liz! You should make a book…

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